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Healthy School

We are an active member of the Healthy Schools Scheme.  

A ‘Healthy School’ is one which takes responsibility for maintaining and promoting the health of all who ‘learn, work, play and live’ within it not only by formally teaching pupils about how to lead healthy lives but by enabling pupils and staff to take control over aspects of the school environment which influence their health.  A Healthy School actively promotes, protects and embeds the physical, mental and social health and well-being of its community through positive action.  This can be achieved through policies, strategic planning and staff development about its curriculum, ethos, physical environment and community relations.

At Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog we plan many activities to develop this area.

We provide a fruit tuck shop for our children to access daily. The Investigators and Innovators take part in 'Mile a Day' to provide physical exercise. Health and well-being topic days are planned termly.

Food at Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog

School Meals

Denbighshire is committed to healthy eating and is working hard with schools to promote the health and welfare of pupils. They continue to deliver the best food possible and want to help young people in Denbighshire discover and enjoy new and exciting foods that will encourage them to live a healthy and active life. We currently offer a free school meal for all children in Reception to Year 4, this will be further rolled out to Years 5 and 6 this academic year.

Packed Lunches

If your child has a packed lunch for school or for school trips we would like to encourage healthier packed lunches. There are some ideas in these links:

Breakfast club

Our Breakfast club begins at 7.45 am every morning and runs for 1 hour. There is a cost of £1 from 7.45-8.15am. 

Food provided in the club is in line with national regulations: non sugar coated cereals, toast, milk and water.

Morning snack

There is a fruit tuck shop in school, this can be paid for online via Parent Pay. Children have the opportunity to select a piece of fruit each day. There is an option to bring a snack in from home. However, we do ask that this is a healthy snack.


We actively encourage pupils to drink water across the whole school day.  Pupils can bring their own water bottles to school which should only contain water.  We have a water cooler that pupils can use to fill their bottles.