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"Good attendance can open doors to endless possibilities."


At Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog we want to work with you to ensure your child has the best education possible. Part of that is ensuring they are in school as often as they possibly can be. Please read the documents below which outlines the importance of attendance and punctuality at our school, and please get in touch if we can support you further.


Attending school regularly, and punctuality, are very important and, may I remind you, parents are under a legal duty to send their children to school regularly. Parents should ensure that their children arrive at school on time, properly attired and in a condition to learn. Parents are expected to inform the school of the reason for a child’s absence as soon as possible. This may be done by telephone, a note or a verbal message. As the school registers have to show whether an absence is authorised or unauthorised the reason for the absence must be clearly given. 

Denbighshire has a county wide attendance policy to include a consistent approach to all schools on authorising holidays. No holidays taken during term time will be authorised. Parents who remove pupils from school during the school day to visit the dentist, doctor or for a hospital appointment should ensure that the school is informed beforehand where possible. Pupils who arrive after registration should ensure a reason for lateness is shared with staff.

Attendance figures for every pupil are shared with parents. There is a strong drive at Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog to ensure that attendance figures are as high as possible, and we look to parents for their support with this.

The school works closely with the Educational Social Worker and monitors punctuality regularly. Pupils who are regularly late for school will be contacted by the Head Teacher and/ or Educational Social Worker.